
All contributors must be at least 18 years of age at the time signing up.

Guidelines, especially file specifications, are subject to change based on the interest check.

  1. Art submitted must be A4 at 300dpi and RGB (any lossless format). Contributors will also receive templates with the correct specifications that they may use.
  2. The main character depicted must be transgender. This anthology explicitly welcomes t4t couples, non-binary, closeted, and gnc transgender characters.
  3. Any art submitted must fully be your own and may not contain any copyrighted material or ips that you don’t own.
  4. Any art submitted must be created for the TRANS* anthology and can’t be (or have been) published beforehand. Contributors are encouraged to post teasers and WIPs throughout the project!
  5. Contributors agree to follow the presented deadlines and acknowledge that failing to do so will lead to losing their spot in the anthology. Accommodations (such as deadline extensions) are possible if communicated.
  6. Contributors give the TRANS* anthology explicit permission to distribute their work digitally as part of the TRANS* anthology, social media posts, and in the form of promotional material.
  7. Contributors agree to not sell any work created for the TRANS* anthology until December of 2026.
  8. Contributors retain the rights to their artwork, excluding the ones granted through (6) and (7).


Q: What's this project looking for?

Anything. I like playing fast and loose with my ideas so I want to be just as open to your pitches. That being said, I am mainly looking for characters/pitches/pieces that showcase your transgender character(s) and their strong personal aesthetic. Whether that is your mtf cowgirl inpecting the recent cattle-disappearances, your non binary flagellant, or something else entirely is up to you. :)

Q: Can I apply even though I am not trans?

Yes, you don’t need to disclose your identity in your application.

Q: Can I include characters that aren’t trans in my piece?

Yes, though the main focus of your piece should be your transgender oc. It doesn’t matter if said character is out, pre-transition, or gender non conforming. Cis characters may still appear as background or supporting characters.

Q: Can I submit a comic/traditional art/something else?

Yes. Anything submitted must meet the requirements listed in the guidelines, but other than that it's all fair game. If you do plan on submitting anything that isn't an illustration, please include that in your application so I can plan accordingly.

Q: Can I submit writing/shortform fiction?

You can't exclusively submit written pieces at this time, sorry. However, visual art may be accompanied by a written scene, blurb, or similar, if you want to expand on your piece(s).

Q: Can my piece contain nudity/gore/other sensitive topics or depictions?

Broadly speaking, yes. There are limitations on what I am willing to feature (e.g. hate speech, violence), but since this is a relatively small project I don't think that there's a need to explicitly name all things that you can/can't include. If you feel unsure you can contact me with your pitch, or provide alternative pitches in your application.

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